Onboarding TODO

I have a fairly comprehensive list from my last two weeks currently undergoing validation with Troy this week. Need to write it all down in one place for future reference.


  • itemized list and explanations
  • maybe a loose workflow for first two weeks
  • any automation possibilities? (computer setup script, script to setup all accounts in various tools, etc)

stuff to categorize

  • postman/insomnia setup
  • sql setup
  • home IP whitelist / VPN
  • configs
  • keys (git, bitbucket, AWS)
  • URLs (dev, QA, etc)
  • test account, creating own account
  • tour of the product
  • tech stack overview
  • people/resources overview
  • debug setups and howtos
  • aws cli
  • S3 direct connect (ex: cyberduck)
  • AWS Redis visibility
  • ElasticSearch setup
  • API repo scripts, top level vs each service
  • docker setup
  • migration process
    • make sure pointing to correct databases if on local dev
  • data pipeline


  • computer, monitor
  • layout of the land: water, groceries monday morning, lunch wednesday, bagels friday
  • security: door, bathroom


  • wifi
  • email
  • jira
  • bitbucket
  • bluejeans meeting# 369189712
  • slack (channels)


  • git

    • trunk based development with stages (dev, qa, staging, deployed)
    • pull requests
  • agile

    • jira
    • sprints
    • ticket process
    • types of tickets
    • who's responsible for what


  • any tech department additions of note?
    • data responsibility guidelines?
    • computer security guidelines?

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