Environment Variables

Any configuration in the API must be driven by environment variables.

  • NODE_ENV: Defines which environment the services will be running against.
    • Default: local
    • Options: local, development, qa, staging, prod
  • LOG: Log level to be displayed.
    • Default: INFO
    • Options: ERROR, INFO, DEBUG, LOG.
  • PORT: Defines the port the gateway service will listen.
    • Default: 8000
  • Cross-Service Communication:
    • CP_HOST: Defines the host the Client Portal service will listen.
      • Default: localhost
    • CP_PORT: Defines the port the Client Portal service will listen.
      • Default: 8100
    • MAIL_HOST: Defines the host the mail service will listen.
      • Default: localhost
    • MAIL_PORT: Defines the port the mail service will listen.
      • Default: 8200
    • PDF_HOST: Defines the host the pdf service will listen.
      • Default: localhost
    • PDF_PORT: Defines the port the pdf service will listen.
      • Default: 8300
    • TP_HOST: Defines the host the Titan Portal service will listen.
      • Default: localhost
    • TP_PORT: Defines the port the Titan Portal service will listen.
      • Default: 8400
    • SEARCH_HOST: Defines the host the Search service will listen.
      • Default: localhost
    • SEARCH_PORT: Defines the port the Search service will listen.
      • Default: 8500
    • TOKEN_HOST: Defines the host the Token service will listen.
      • Default: localhost
    • TOKEN_PORT: Defines the port the Token service will listen.
      • Default: 9100
  • PM2 Credentials: These credentials are not being used in our code, but rather in the serve pm2 script (ran only in ESB)
  • JWT Configuration:
      • Default: 300 5 minutes
      • Default: 604800 7 days
  • RDS Database Configuration:
    • RDS_HOST: Postgres endpoint
    • RDS_PORT: Postgres port
      • Default: 5432
    • RDS_USER: User to be used to authenticate in Postgres database
    • RDS_PASS: Password to be used to authenticate in Postgres database
  • Elasticsearch Configuration:
    • ES_HOST: Elasticsearch cluster endpoint
    • ES_PORT: Elasticsearch port
      • Default: 5432
  • Redis Configuration:
    • REDIS_HOST: Redis endpoint
    • REDIS_PORT: Redis port
      • Default: 6379
  • Mailgun Credentials:
    • MAILGUN_API_KEY: API Key provided by Mailgun account
    • MAILGUN_DOMAIN: Titanhouse domain to use to send/receive e-mails
  • Sentry Configuration:
    • SENTRY_DSN: Sentry credential to log errors
  • AWS Configuration:
    • AWS_REGION: Amazon region the service is running at
    • EFS_ID:
    • EFS_MOUNT:
  • Titan Portal Configuration:
    • Database:
      • TP_RDS_DB_NAME: Defines which database the Titan Portal app will use
    • Linkedin Credentials:
    • AWS Configuration:
    • Research Tool Credentials:
      • RESEARCH_SERVER_HOST: Research Tool API hostname
      • RESEARCH_SERVER_USERNAME: User to authenticate in Research Tool API
      • RESEARCH_SERVER_PASSWORD: Password to authenticate in Research Tool API
    • Client Portal:
      • CLIENT_PORTAL_API_HOST: Client Portal API hostname
      • CLIENT_PORTAL_MAIL_PATH: Path for the message endpoint in Client Portal API
      • CLIENT_PORTAL_LOGIN: User to authenticate in Client Portal API
      • CLIENT_PORTAL_PASSWORD: Password to authenticate in Client Portal API
  • Client Portal Configuration:
    • CP_PORTAL_ORIGIN: Defines the url Client Portal UI is using
    • Database:
      • CP_RDS_DB_NAME: Defines which database the Client Portal app will use
    • AWS Configuration: Specify AWS credentials to be use in order to use its services

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