Static tokens

For local development and API testing you may need a static token, which will be permanent and simple.

You can define such tokens in packages/token-api/src/config/local.ts under staticTokens. It's array of objects, each object is a pair of token and user. Token is a string, user should be valid auth user.


  staticTokens: [
      token: 'TITAN_PORTAL_API_TOKEN', // predefined system static token for TP, required for mail sending from the titan portal
      user: {
        name: 'Titan Portal API',
        email: null,
        type: UserTypes.System,
        id: 'TITAN_PORTAL_API',
        roles: [],
        permissions: [],
      token: 'tp', // any token you want
      user: {
        name: 'Joe Doe',
        type: UserTypes.Titan,
        email: '',
        id: 'person_StephenWerner_1538660075_pyhoq35c_0kwb_yu0m_8f4u_i72wewbis11i', // it's better to use real id
        roles: [UserRoles.TpUser, UserRoles.TpRegisteredUser],
        permissions: [],

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