Titan Portal API Notes

October 10, 2019

Please see the attached Postman JSON for the updated API format:

Titanhouse Dev.postman_environment.json

TitanHouse TP API v0.5.postman_collection.json

Please use the new getTitanInfo API instead of the previous getTitan API. The returned result formatting is the same. The only difference is that the getTitan API is pulled from a read replica and intended for large batch processing and that dataset can be up to 20 seconds behind the real data set. This new api points directly to the live data so in case you write in and read back out it should return the written data.

The setters are broken into there parts — base information, interest, and experiences. We probably want to discuss whether that is the right level of granularity. The more we can pool all the information together and update the Titan profile once, the more performant it is for our backend, but that requires you to do some front-end caching before sending data back.

There are some missing apis for you to get our taxonomy still and they are as follows:

  • getMilitaryServices
  • getSkills
  • getInternationalExperiences
  • getCompanyName

We will try to get a first path of these apis implemented by mid next week.

Open questions (Let me know what you think):

  • how you will handle address entry. What we need coming back is street address (optional), city, state, zip code, lat/long coordinate.
  • We still need to decide how to handle update requests to M&A, IPO, and new experiences where companies do not exist in our database, where
    • When we display the profile in Titan portal, we will need to show these fields as pending with the requested changes (UI update needed). We are debating between adding a pending status to each of these minitag and experience fields, or having one additional field that lists all pending data fields.
    • After our Chief editors process these requests form the Titans, do they need any type of notification? I think the initial design point is no. The data just shows up with the (Pending) state removed.

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