Token Service


Provides a centralized service to authorize and validate authentication tokens issued by our service fleet. Every intel this service requires is initially provided through a request. Subsequent validations are done through a in-memory cache.

API Documentation

  • POST /api/tokens/authorize

    Given a token and the user associated with it, the service stores credentials to be validate in future requests

  • POST /api/tokens/validate

    Validates if the token provided in the request was issued and authorized by this service

  • DELETE /api/tokens/invalidateUser/:userId

    Revoke every token associated with a given user id

  • DELETE /api/tokens/invalidateToken/:token

    Revoke the specific token provided in the request


The only external service used by this service is Redis.

Features in the pipeline

  • Instead of receiving a token to store, the service should generate its own jwt tokens for a given user; thus, token secrets and logic are all centralized in one place
  • This service could easily be enhanced to become an user service. Therefore, user information, including credentials, will be shared between services.

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